Minggu, 30 September 2012

Atlantis, The Lost World

Peta Atlantis menurut Athanasius Kircher. Pada peta tersebut, Atlantis terletak di tengah Samudra Atlantik.

Peta Atlantis menurut Arysio Nunes dos Santos dalam bukunya Atlantis, The Lost Continent Finally Found terletak di Indonesia
Atlantis, Atalantis,[1] atau Atlantika[1] (bahasa Yunani: Ἀτλαντὶς νῆσος, "pulau Atlas") adalah pulau legendaris yang pertama kali disebut oleh Plato dalam buku Timaeus dan Critias.[2]
Dalam catatannya, Plato menulis bahwa Atlantis terhampar "di seberang pilar-pilar Herkules", dan memiliki angkatan laut yang menaklukan Eropa Barat dan Afrika 9.000 tahun sebelum waktu Solon, atau sekitar tahun 9500 SM. Setelah gagal menyerang Yunani, Atlantis tenggelam ke dalam samudra "hanya dalam waktu satu hari satu malam".
Atlantis umumnya dianggap sebagai mitos yang dibuat oleh Plato untuk mengilustrasikan teori politik. Meskipun fungsi cerita Atlantis terlihat jelas oleh kebanyakan ahli, mereka memperdebatkan apakah dan seberapa banyak catatan Plato diilhami oleh tradisi yang lebih tua. Beberapa ahli mengatakan bahwa Plato menggambarkan kejadian yang telah berlalu, seperti letusan Thera atau perang Troya, sementara lainnya menyatakan bahwa ia terinspirasi dari peristiwa kontemporer seperti hancurnya Helike tahun 373 SM atau gagalnya invasi Athena ke Sisilia tahun 415-413 SM.
Masyarakat sering membicarakan keberadaan Atlantis selama Era Klasik, namun umumnya tidak mempercayainya dan kadang-kadang menjadikannya bahan lelucon. Kisah Atlantis kurang diketahui pada Abad Pertengahan, namun, pada era modern, cerita mengenai Atlantis ditemukan kembali. Deskripsi Plato menginspirasikan karya-karya penulis zaman Renaissance, seperti "New Atlantis" karya Francis Bacon. Atlantis juga memengaruhi literatur modern, dari fiksi ilmiah hingga buku komik dan film. Namanya telah menjadi pameo untuk semua peradaban prasejarah yang maju (dan hilang).

Daftar isi

Catatan Plato

Lukisan Plato.
Dua dialog Plato, Timaeus dan Critias, yang ditulis pada tahun 360 SM, berisi referensi pertama Atlantis. Plato tidak pernah menyelesaikan Critias karena alasan yang tidak diketahui; namun, ahli yang bernama Benjamin Jowett, dan beberapa ahli lain, berpendapat bahwa Plato awalnya merencanakan untuk membuat catatan ketiga yang berjudul Hermocrates. John V. Luce mengasumsikan bahwa Plato — setelah mendeskripsikan asal usul dunia dan manusia dalam Timaeus, dan juga komunitas sempurna Athena kuno dan keberhasilannya dalam mempertahankan diri dari serangan Atlantis dalam Critias — akan membahas strategi peradaban Helenik selama konflik mereka dengan bangsa barbar sebagai subyek diskusi dalam Hermocrates.
Empat tokoh yang muncul dalam kedua catatan tersebut adalah politikus Critias dan Hermocrates dan juga filsuf Socrates dan Timaeus, meskipun hanya Critias yang berbicara mengenai Atlantis. Walaupun semua tokoh tersebut merupakan tokoh bersejarah (hanya tiga tokoh pertama yang dibawa),[3] catatan tersebut mungkin merupakan karya fiksi Plato. Dalam karya tertulisnya, Plato menggunakan dialog Socrates untuk mendiskusikan posisi yang saling berlawanan dalam hubungan prakiraan.

Terjemahan Latin Timaeus, dibuat pada abad pertengahan.


Timaeus dimulai dengan pembukaan, diikuti dengan catatan pembuatan dan struktur alam semesta dan peradaban kuno. Dalam bagian pembukaan, Socrates merenungkan mengenai komunitas yang sempurna, yang dideskripsikan dalam Republic karya Plato, dan berpikir apakah ia dan tamunya dapat mengingat sebuah cerita yang mencontohkan peradaban seperti itu.
Pada buku Timaeus, Plato berkisah:
Di hadapan Selat Mainstay Haigelisi, ada sebuah pulau yang sangat besar, dari sana kalian dapat pergi ke pulau lainnya, di depan pulau-pulau itu adalah seluruhnya daratan yang dikelilingi laut samudera, itu adalah kerajaan Atlantis. Ketika itu Atlantis baru akan melancarkan perang besar dengan Athena, namun di luar dugaan, Atlantis tiba-tiba mengalami gempa bumi dan banjir, tidak sampai sehari semalam, tenggelam sama sekali di dasar laut, negara besar yang melampaui peradaban tinggi, lenyap dalam semalam.[4]


Poseidon karya Bronzino (1503–1572).
Critias menyebut kisah yang diduga sejarah yang akan memberikan contoh sempurna, dan diikuti dengan deskripsi Atlantis. Dalam catatannya, Athena kuno mewakili "komunitas sempurna" dan Atlantis adalah musuhnya, mewakili ciri sempurna sangat antitesis yang dideskripsikan dalam Republic. Critias mengklaim bahwa catatannya mengenai Athena kuno dan Atlantis berhaluan dari kunjungan ke Mesir oleh penyair Athena, Solon pada abad ke-6 SM. Di Mesir, Solon bertemu pendeta dari Sais, yang menerjemahkan sejarah Athena kuno dan Atlantis, dicatat pada papiri di heroglif Mesir, menjadi bahasa Yunani. Menurut Plutarch, Solon bertemu dengan "Psenophis Heliopolis, dan Sonchis Saite, yang paling dipelajari dari semua pendeta" (Kehidupan Solon). Karena jarak 500 tahun lebih antara Plutarch dan peristiwa yang bersifat sebagai alasan atau dalih, dan karena informasi ini tidak ada pada Timaeus dan Critias, identifikasi ini dipertanyakan.
Menurut Critias, dewa Helenik membagi wilayah sehingga tiap dewa dapat memiliki; Poseidon mewarisi wilayah pulau Atlantis. Pulau ini lebih besar daripada Libya kuno dan Asia Kecil yang disatukan,[1] tetapi akan tenggelam karena gempa bumi dan menjadi sejumlah lumpur yang tak dapat dilewati, menghalangi perjalanan menyebrang samudra. Bangsa Mesir mendeskripsikan Atlantis sebagai pulau yang terletak kira-kira 700 kilometer, kebanyakan terdiri dari pegunungan di wilayah utara dan sepanjang pantai, dan melinkungi padang rumput berbentuk bujur di selatan "terbentang dalam satu arah tiga ribu stadia (sekitar 600 km), tetapi di tengah sekitar dua ribu stadia (400 km).
Wanita asli Atlantis bernama Cleito (putri dari Evenor dan Leucippe) tinggal disini. Poseidon jatuh cinta padanya, lalu memperistri gadis muda itu dan melahirkan lima pasang anak laki-laki kembar. Poseidon membagi pulau menjadi 10 wilayah yang masing-masing diserahkan pada 10 anak. Anak tertua, Atlas, menjadi raja atas pulau itu dan samudra disekitarnya (disebut Samudra Atlantik untuk menghormati Atlas). Nama "Atlantis" juga berasal dari namanya, yang berarti "Pulau Atlas".
Poseidon mengukir gunung tempat kekasihnya tinggal menjadi istana dan menutupnya dengan tiga parit bundar yang lebarnya meningkat, bervariasi dari satu sampai tiga stadia dan terpisah oleh cincin tanah yang besarnya sebanding. Bangsa Atlantis lalu membangun jembatan ke arah utara dari pegunungan, membuat rute menuju sisa pulau. Mereka menggali kanal besar ke laut, dan di samping jembatan, dibuat gua menuju cincin batu sehingga kapal dapat lewat dan masuk ke kota di sekitar pegunungan; mereka membuat dermaga dari tembok batu parit. Setiap jalan masuk ke kota dijaga oleh gerbang dan menara, dan tembok mengelilingi setiap cincin kota. Tembok didirikan dari bebatuan merah, putih dan hitam yang berasal dari parit, dan dilapisi oleh kuningan, timah dan orichalcum (perunggu atau kuningan).
Menurut Critias, 9.000 tahun sebelum kelahirannya, perang terjadi antara bangsa yang berada di luar Pilar-pilar Herkules (umumnya diduga Selat Gibraltar), dengan bangsa yang tinggal di dalam Pilar. Bangsa Atlantis menaklukan Libya sampai sejauh Mesir dan benua Eropa sampai sejauh Tirenia, dan menjadikan penduduknya budak. Orang Athena memimpin aliansi melawan kekaisaran Atlantis, dan sewaktu aliansi dihancurkan, Athena melawan kekaisaran Atlantis sendiri, membebaskan wilayah yang diduduki. Namun, nantinya, muncul gempa bumi dan banjir besar di Atlantis, dan hanya dalam satu hari satu malam, pulau Atlantis tenggelam dan menghilang.

Catatan kuno lainnya

Selain Timaeus dan Critias, tidak terdapat catatan kuno mengenai Atlantis, yang berarti setiap catatan mengenai Atlantis lainnya berdasarkan dari catatan Plato.
Banyak filsuf kuno menganggap Atlantis sebagai kisah fiksi, termasuk (menurut Strabo) Aristoteles. Namun, terdapat filsuf, ahli geografi dan sejarawan yang percaya akan keberadaan Atlantis.[5] Filsuf Crantor, murid dari murid Plato, Xenocrates, mencoba menemukan bukti keberadaan Atlantis. Karyanya, komentar mengenai Timaeus, hilang, tetapi sejarawan kuno lainnya, Proclus, melaporkan bahwa Crantor berkelana ke Mesir dan menemukan kolom dengan sejarah Atlantis tertulis dalam huruf heroglif.[6] Plato tidak pernah menyebut kolom tersebut. Menurut filsuf Yunani, Solon melihat kisah Atlantis dalam sumber yang berbeda yang dapat "diambil untuk diberikan".[7]
Bagian lain dari komentar abad ke-5 Proclus mengenai Timaeus memberi deskripsi geografi Atlantis. Menurut mereka, terdapat tujuh pulau di laut tersebut pada saat itu, tanah suci untuk Persephone, dan juga tiga lainnya dengan besar yang sangat besar, salah satunya tanah suci untuk Pluto, lainnya untuk Ammon, dan terakhir di antaranya untuk Poseidon, dengan luas ribuan stadia. Penduduknya—mereka menambah—memelihara ingatan dari nenek moyang mereka mengenai pulau besar Atlantis yang pernah ada dan telah berkuasa terhadap semua pulau di laut Atlantik dan suci untuk Poseidon. Kini, hal tersebut telah ditulis Marcellus dalam Aethiopica".[8] Marcellus masih belum diidentifikasi.
Sejarawan dan filsuf kuno lainnya yang mempercayai keberadaan Atlantis adalah Strabo dan Posidonius.[9]
Catatan Plato mengenai Atlantis juga telah menginspirasi beberapa imitasi parodik: hanya beberapa dekade setelah Timaeus dan Critias, sejarawan Theopompus dari Chios menulis mengenai wilayah yang disebut Meropis. Deskripsi wilayah ini ada pada Buku 8 Philippica, yang berisi dialog antara Raja Midas dan Silenus, teman dari Dionysus. Silenus mendeskripsikan Bangsa Meropid, ras manusia yang tumbuh dua kali dari ukuran tubuh biasa, dan menghuni dua kota di pulau Meropis (Cos?): Eusebes (Εὐσεβής, "kota Pious") dan Machimos (Μάχιμος, "kota-Pertempuran"). Ia juga melaporkan bahwa angkatan bersenjata sebanyak sepuluh juta tentara menyebrangi samudra untuk menaklukan Hyperborea, tetapi meninggalkan proposal ini ketika mereka menyadari bahwa bangsa Hyperborea adalah bangsa terberuntung di dunia. Heinz-Günther Nesselrath menyatakan bahwa cerita Silenus merupakan jiplakan dari kisah Atlantis, untuk alasan membongkar ide Plato untuk mengejek.[10]
Zoticus, seorang filsuf Neoplatonis pada abad ke-3, menulis puisi berdasarkan catatan Plato mengenai Atlantis.[11]
Sejarawan abad ke-4, Ammianus Marcellinus, berdasarkan karya Timagenes (sejarawan abad ke-1 SM) yang hilang, menulis bahwa Druid dari Galia mengatakan bahwa sebagian penduduk Galia bermigrasi dari kepulauan yang jauh. Catatan Ammianus dianggap oleh sebagian orang sebagai klaim bahwa ketika Atlantis tenggelam, penduduknya mengungsi ke Eropa Barat; tetapi Ammianus mengatakan bahwa “Drasidae (Druid) menyebut kembali bahwa sebagian dari penduduk merupakan penduduk asli, tetapi lainnya juga bermigrasi dari kepulauan dan wilayah melewati Rhine" (Res Gestae 15.9), tanda bahwa imigran datang ke Galia dari utara dan timur, tidak dari Samudra Atlantik.[12]
Risalah Ibrani mengenai perhitungan astronomi pada tahun 1378/79, yang merupakan parafrase karya Islam awal yang tidak diketahui, menyinggung mitologi Atlantis dalam diskusi mengenai penentuan titik nol kalkulasi garis bujur.[13]

Catatan modern

Peta menunjukan wilayah kekuasaan Kekaisaran Atlantis. Peta dibuat oleh Ignatius L. Donnelly.
Novel Francis Bacon tahun 1627, The New Atlantis (Atlantis Baru), mendeskripsikan komunitas utopia yang disebut Bensalem, terletak di pantai barat Amerika. Karakter dalam novel ini memberikan sejarah Atlantis yang mirip dengan catatan Plato. Tidak jelas apakah Bacon menyebut Amerika Utara atau Amerika Selatan.
Novel Isaac Newton tahun 1728, The Chronology of the Ancient Kingdoms Amended (Kronologi Kerajaan Kuno Berkembang), mempelajari berbagai hubungan mitologi dengan Atlantis. [14]
Pada pertengahan dan akhir abad ke-19, beberapa sarjana Mesoamerika, dimulai dari Charles Etienne Brasseur de Bourbourg, dan termasuk Edward Herbert Thompson dan Augustus Le Plongeon, menyatakan bahwa Atlantis berhubungan dengan peradaban Maya dan Aztek.
Pada tahun 1882, Ignatius L. Donnelly mempublikasikan Atlantis: the Antediluvian World. Karyanya menarik minat banyak orang terhadap Atlantis. Donnelly mengambil catatan Plato mengenai Atlantis dengan serius dan menyatakan bahwa semua peradaban kuno yang diketahui berasal dari kebudayaan Neolitik tingginya.
Selama akhir abad ke-19, gagasan mengenai legenda Atlantis digabungkan dengan cerita-cerita "benua hilang" lainnya, seperti Mu dan Lemuria. Helena Blavatsky, "Nenek Pergerakan Era Baru", menulis dalam The Secret Doctrine (Doktrin Rahasia) bahwa bangsa Atlantis adalah pahlawan budaya (kontras dengan Plato yang mendeskripsikan mereka sebagai masalah militer), dan "Akar Ras" ke-4, yang diteruskan oleh "Ras Arya". Rudolf Steiner menulis evolusi budaya Mu atau Atlantis. Edgar Cayce pertama kali menyebut Atlantis tahun 1923[15] dan nantinya menjelaskan bahwa lokasi Atlantis berada di Karibia dan menyatakan bahwa Atlantis adalah peradaban kuno yang jaya, memiliki kapal dan pesawat tempur yang menggunakan energi dalam bentuk kristal energi misterius, dan telah tenggelam. Ia juga memprediksi bahwa sebagian dari Atlantis akan naik ke permukaan tahun 1968 atau 1969. Jalan Bimini, yang ditemukan oleh Dr.J Manson Valentine, merupakan formasi batu tenggelam yang terlihat seperti jalan di sebelah utara Kepulauan Bimini Utara. Jalan ini ditemukan pada tahun 1968 dan diklaim sebagai bukti peradaban yang hilang dan kini masih diteliti.
Telah diklaim bahwa sebelum era Eratosthenes tahun 250 SM, penulis Yunani menyatakan bahwa lokasi Pilar-pilar Herkules berada di Selat Sisilia, namun tidak terdapat bukti yang cukup untuk membuktikan hal tersebut. Menurut Herodotus (circa 430 SM), ekspedisi Finisi telah berlayar mengitari Afrika atas perintah firaun Necho, berlayar ke selatan Laut Merah dan Samudera Hindia dan bagian utara di Atlantik, memasuki kembali Laut Tengah melalui Pilar Hercules. Deskripsinya di Afrika barat laut menjelaskan bahwa ia melokasikan Pilar Hercules dengan tepat di tempat pilar Hercules berada saat ini. Kepercayaan bahwa pilar Hercules yang telah diletakan di Selat Sisilia menurut Eratosthenes, telah dikutip dalam beberapa teori Atlantis.

Ide Nasionalis

Konsep Atlantis menarik perhatian teoris Nazi. Pada tahun 1938, Heinrich Himmler mengorganisir pencarian di Tibet untuk menemukan sisa bangsa Atlantis putih. Menurut Julius Evola (Revolt Against the Modern World, 1934), bangsa Atlantis adalah manusia super (Übermensch) Hyperborea—Nordik yang berasal dari Kutub Utara (lihat Thule). Alfred Rosenberg (The Myth of the Twentieth Century, 1930) juga berbicara mengenai kepala ras "Nordik-Atlantis" atau "Arya-Nordik".

Hipotesis terkini

Dengan teori continental drift secara luas diterima selama tahun 1960-an, kebanyakan teori "Benua Hilang" Atlantis mulai menyusut popularitasnya. Beberapa teoris terkini mengusulkan bahwa elemen cerita Plato berasal dari mitologi awal.

Hipotesis lokasi

Citra satelit Santorini dari udara. Tempat ini merupakan salah satu dari banyak tempat yang diduga sebagai lokasi Atlantis.
Sejak Donnelly, terdapat lusinan - bahkan ratusan - usulan lokasi Atlantis. Beberapa hipotesis merupakan hipotesis arkeologi atau ilmiah, sementara lainnya berdasarkan fisika atau lainnya. Banyak tempat usulan yang memiliki kemiripan karakteristik dengan kisah Atlantis (air, bencana besar, periode waktu yang relevan), tetapi tidak ada yang berhasil dibuktikan sebagai kisah sejarah Atlantis yang sesungguhnya.
Lokasi yang diusulkan kebanyakan berada di sekitar Laut Tengah. Pulau seperti Sardinia, Kreta dan Santorini, Sisilia, Siprus dan Malta; kota seperti Troya, Tartessos, dan Tantalus (di provinsi Manisa), Turki; dan Israel-Sinai atau Kanaan. Letusan Thera besar pada abad ke-17 atau ke-16 SM menyebabkan tsunami besar yang diduga para ahli menghancurkan peradaban Minoa di sekitar pulau Kreta yang semakin meningkatkan kepercayaan bahwa bencana ini mungkin merupakan bencana yang menghancurkan Atlantis.[16] Terdapat wilayah di Laut Hitam yang diusulkan sebagai lokasi Atlantis: Bosporus dan Ancomah (tempat legendaris di dekat Trabzon). Sekitar Laut Azov diusulkan sebagai lokasi lainnya tahun 2003.[17] A. G. Galanopoulos menyatakan bahwa skala waktu telah berubah akibat kesalahan penerjemahan, kemungkinan kesalahan penerjemahan bahasa Mesir ke Yunani; kesalahan yang sama akan mengurangi besar Kerajaan Atlantis Plato menjadi sebesar pulau Kreta, yang meninggalkan kota dengan ukuran kawah Thera. 900 tahun sebelum Solon merupakan abad ke-15 SM.[18]
Beberapa hipotesis menyatakan Atlantis berada pada pulau yang telah tenggelam di Eropa Utara, termasuk Swedia (oleh Olof Rudbeck di Atland, 1672–1702), atau di Laut Utara. Beberapa telah mengusulkan Al-Andalus atau Irlandia sebagai lokasi.[19] Kepulauan Canary juga dinyatakan sebagai lokasi yang mungkin, sebelah barat selat Gibraltar tetapi dekat dengan Laut Tengah. Berbagai kepulauan di Atlantik juga dinyatakan sebagai lokasi yang mungkin, terutama Kepulauan Azores. Pulau Spartel yang telah tenggelam di selat Gibraltar juga telah diusulkan.[20]
Antarktika, Indonesia, dibawah Segitiga Bermuda,[21] dan Laut Karibia telah diusulkan sebagai lokasi Atlantis. Kisah benua "Kumari Kandam" yang hilang di India telah menginspirasi beberapa orang untuk menggambarkannya secara paralel dengan Atlantis. Menurut Ignatius L. Donnelly dalam bukunya, Atlantis: The Antediluvian World, terdapat hubungan antara Atlantis dan Aztlan (tempat tinggal nenek moyang suku Aztek). Ia mengklaim bahwa suku Aztek menunjuk ke timur Karibia sebagai bekas lokasi Aztlan.
Lokasi yang diduga sebagai lokasi Atlantis adalah:

Atlantis dalam seni, sastra dan budaya

Legenda Atlantis muncul dalam banyak buku, film, serial televisi, permainan video, lagu dan karya lainnya. Contoh Atlantis dalam film adalah serial televisi Stargate Atlantis dan film animasi Disney Atlantis: The Lost Empire. Permainan video pertama Tomb Raider menampilkan Atlantis sebagai basis cerita dan lokasi untuk akhir cerita.

Assigment 3 : Puff, The Magic Dragon

"Jackie Draper Meet Jackie Paper"

Once, quite be chance, there was an extraordinary old universe. And it was filled with matter and magnificence; with worlds and wonder; with moons and magic . And moving through this universe was a familiar old world of cities and streets; of trees and cars. There, in an ordinary house, on an ordinary chair, was a boy. And in the boy's head was locked an untold story which was as extraordinary as anything that old universe had ever seen or heard.
The Doctors call.The boy sat quietly, surrounded by his mother, father, and three learned doctors.
The doctors turned to the boy's parents grimly, and the tallest of them spoke.
"We have concluded our consultation and find that your son will not, nor cannot speak, comminicate, nor relate in any way to the world around him."
"But doctors, we know that," said the father sadly. "He hasn't said a word for such a long time."
"Can't you give us some hope that he will someday be able to speak again?" pleaded the little boy's mother.
the tall doctor cut her off with a wave of his hand. "Alas, the case is hopeless."
The mother and father looked at each other sorrowfully, then followed the doctors out of the room, closing the door softly behind them.
The boy's name was Jackie Draper. He was only eight years old, but magnificent things were about to happen to him.
Puff the magic dragon Lived by the sea And frolicked in the autumn mist In a land called Honah Lee.
Jackie Draper seemed to hear the song deep inside his heart. And at that very moment, a large face passed by outside his window. it was all green, with dark green eyebrows, strands of even greener hair, and friendly green chin whiskers down below. the face was there just for an instant, and then was gone.
Suddenly it popped back into view, smiled, and looked into the room. "I beg your pardon," said Puff, trying to start a proper conversation. "Could you tell me if you just saw a dragon pass be?"
Jackie sat still and silent.
"I could swear I saw one. Most unusual nowadays," continued Puff, searching Jackie's room with his eyes. He spied his own reflection in the mirror above Jackie's bureau.
"Ah, I did see one! Me!"
The boy did not reply, but merely blinked his sad little eyes.
"May I consider that blink an invitation?" chuckled Puff. Without waiting for a reply, he climbed in through the window, which was really much too small to admit a full-grown dragon. "I shall have to make myself smaller to fit. No trouble. Just magic."
There was a tinkling, like the sound of silver bells, and in an instant Puff was the size of a large, friendly dog. He easily climbed into the room, put down his battered old satchel, and smiled at the boy. "I've come to help you, Jackie. To help you help yourself."
Jackie Draper managed to make a tiny halfhearted smile.
Puff opened up his satchel. Magical sparkles flew out like giddy June bugs in July. He searched for something in his bag, tossing out various objects that were common to him but totally wondrous to Jackie.
There was the famous glass slipper, Alice's mushroom, Peter's shadow, gold spun from straw, and a yellow brick or two. Finally he found a large piece of drawing paper, a crayon, and a pair of sissors.
Going about his magic business in a way both magic and businesslike, he tacked the drawing paper to the wall. Then, using the crayon, which could colour every hue and shade of the rainbow, he began to draw a picture of Jackie Draper. As he worked, he chattered cheerfully.
"I'm one of the few dragons to ever have a song of my own. That is because instead of destroying things, I try to muddle through. Ah splendid likeness of you, Jackie, if I do say so myself."
Meet Jackie Paper.Using the sissors he snipped the crayon drawing of Jackie Draper free from the rest of the graph paper and brought it over to the boy.
"Jackie Draper, this is Jackie Paper," said Puff, introducing the real boy to the cutout.
"Now, Jackie Draper, I am going to borrow the 'living-thing' from inside you and place it inside Jackie Paper."
The little smile froze on the boy's lips and Puff realized he was frightened.
"You wonder what a 'living-thing' is?" asked Puff quietly. "Let me try to explain. It is that which causes you to laugh and cry, to hurt and to care. It is that which makes apples crunchy and tells your nose to tingle on a crystal winter's moring." Then he leaned down and whispered gently. "It's kept in your left ear, you know."
He puffed some brightly coloured dragon smoke into Jackie's right ear. the smoke billowed out of the boy's left ear, carrying with it the shadowy outline of a small child. Puff took the fragile "living-thing" by the hand and rushed it over to Jackie Paper, chattering, "Quick! musn't catch cold!"
With a gentle shove he pushed it into Jackie Paper. The cutout child suddenly took on a rounded form and came to life. He blinked his eyes, took a breath, and spoke.
"Am I all better?" asked Jackie Paper.
Puff chuckled playfully."Well, we'll see. To be truely better you must make a journey with me. Impossible for Jackie Draper. But Jackie Paper - he can go anywhere, so long as it is magic. Come along, now." He held out his paw.
Jackie pulled back, worried. "But where are we going, Puff?"
"Ha-ha-ha! Good question, Jackie! We are going to Honah Lee."
"What's Honah Lee?" asked Jakie.
"My kingdom by the sea. Well, it's not exactly A KINGDOM," he boomed in a great big voice. "It's more like a kingdom," he squeaked in a tiny baby voice. "A few acres and independence. But it is rather magical.Let me show you.
Jackie & Puff.He blew a coloured ring of dragon smoke, which Jackie looked through, as one might look through an enchanted porthole.
Jackie gasped with wonder. For stretching out in front of him was an incredible island of mountains and coral and magic. There were fat, hearty trees with friendly faces, whose leaves of russet and gold shaded great flocks of wild flowers with happy faces. A warm, sandy beach of pure white sloped down and embraced a calm and crystal sea of the purest blue. Squatting on the horizon was a smiling sun casting its golden warmth onto a population of birds, butterflies, and animals, both mundane and mythological. Jackie recognized a pink rabbit and a unicorn colt. Through the centre drifted a gentle stream from which sweet mists rose and hung lazily on the glistening afternoon. It was a wonderful place, a land of peace and joy.
"Oh Puff. It's beautiful. Is it far away?"
"As far as your fondest hope. And, hopefully, as near as your sweetest dream." He took Jackie by the hand. "Come along. We'll build a boat."
Jackie pulled back. "I'm affraid!"
Puff smiled. "Well, isn't everybody?" he knelt down and spoke to the paper child gently. "Aw, jackie, that's why I want you to visit Honah Lee. The climate there causes fear to shrival up and makes it as useless as last year's calendar."
"But Puff, we've got to get there first. And I'm affraid of the sea."
Puff looked at Jackie, concerned. Then he walked over to the window and pulled down the shade. he held out his crayon to the boy and said, "I want you to draw a picture of the sea on this window shade."
"Okay," said Jackie, "but I warn you, it's going to be scary!" he began to draw a terrifying picture of the sea. It was more like a nightmare than a drawing. There were great waves and storms and lightning flashes and shipwrecks. There were sharks and an octupus, and, worst of all, a terrible giant pirate!
"No wonder you are frightened," said Puff. "I suppose the sea can be that way. But if you'll just look through my dragon smoke, I'll show you how it might be." And he puffed another colourful ring, which floated up to Jackie's window-shade drawing and changed it into a lovely calm blue sea, sparkling gloriously in the sun.
Jackie came over to the dragon, hesitated for an instant, then impulsively embraced him. "I like you, Puff!" he said. "Let's build a boat!"
"With what?" asked the dragon.
"I've got stuff! All kinds of stuff!" he rushed over to his toy box and dumped its contents on the floor.
Little Jackie Paper Loved that rascal, Puff, And brought him strings and sealing wax And other fancy stuff.
Jackie got a great idea. He cried out, "Hey! We can use my bed as the hull!"
"MAGNIFICENT!" roared Puff. "We'll cross the ocean on a magic boat," he sang.
And Jackie sang,"We'll make the mainmast out of my beadpost! Let's make the rudder out of my guitar!"
"And sail across the water!" they both sang.
In no more time than it took to sing the words, they had built themselves the finest little boat they could wish for. the hopped aboard and sailed off into the beautiful sea painted on the window shade. they were on their way to Honah Lee at last!

Very Long John

Together they would travel
On a boat with billowed sail,
Jackie kept a lookout perched
On Puff's gigantic tail.
Setting sail.It really was a gigantic tail again. For once Puff left the confines of Jackie's bedroom, he returned to full dragon size. Jackie, riding tall in the tail, scanned the horizon and spotted another ship.
"AHOY!" he shouted to the H.M.S. Bicycle, which was manned by a crew of living playing cards.
"AHOY!" they shouted back, and all the picture cards bowed down.

Noble kings and princes
Would bow whene'er they came,
Pirate ships would low'r their flag
When Puff roared out his name.
"Pirates?" cried Jackie, terrified once more. He slid down Puff's tail and landed in the dragon's arms. "I don't want to see any pirates! Puff, I'm afraid . Take me home."
Puff looked quite surprised. "Jackie, didn't you know? Once you set out for Honah Lee, there is no turning back. To find your way home, you must first find Honah lee."

Suddenly there was a thundering sound, as if all the storms in creation had combined into one. A huge wave billowed under the boat, lifting it higher and higher. Then the wave seemed to turn in to a huge hand, the smallest finger of which was bigger than Jackie. The thunder turned into an earspliting peal of laughter, which rolled out of a gigantic mouth at the bottom of an enormous, ugly face that leered down at them with malicious fury.
Jackie screamed, for he recognized the great giant pirate in his nightmare window-shade drawing.
"GOTCHA!" roared the pirate. "YOU'LL NEVER GET AWAY!" He was as tall as a skyscraper and as strong as a barrel of eathquakes, and he sloshed through the raging sea as if it were a schoolyard puddle.
Very Long John Black."He certainly is very long," said Puff. "SILENCE!" roared Very Long John as he brought the boat to an eerie, desolate island with a tall, angry-looking volcano in the centre, surrounded by many smaller mountains and cliffs. One of the cliffs had a large skull and crossbones painted on the side. the pirate placed the boat down and, glowered at Puff and Jackie, burst into thunderclaps of laughter once more.
The awful sound hurled Jackie to the deck. He picked himself up and hid behind the dragon. "What are you going to do with us?" he shouted.
Jackie went tumbling again. He got to his feet and ran to the magic dragon. "What do we do now, Puff?"
Puff smiled calmy. "He said it, Jackie. Have no fear."
"I'm scared to have no fear." "Jackie, the first step in not being afraid is to see things as they really are. Watch!" He blew a magic ring of dragon smoke, which floated between Jackie and Very Long. The biy looked through the ring, and instead of a giant pirate, he saw a huge, friendly baker with a white apron and chef's hat.

"Puff, you mean underneath al that pirate stuff, Very Long John Black and Bluebeard Kidd is just a baker at heart?"
The dragon sucked back the smoke as if it were a strand of spaghetti, nodded yes, and said, "Take care of him, Jackie. Use your wits. You can do it."
Jackie turned and walked across the deck until he faced the huge pirate, alone.
Very Long laughed, picked the boy up with one hand, dropped him, then caught him with the other. He roared, "WELL, LITTLE BOY, WHAT ARE YOUR LAST WORDS?"
Jackie must have had a very brave thought, for instead of answering the pirate with words, he sang, "Can you bake a cherry pie, Very Long, Very Long? Can you bake a cherry pie, Very Long John?"
Up close.The huge pirate was stunned for a moment. Then he rose tot eh challenge and sang back at Jackie, "I CAN BAKE A CHERRY PIE - QUICK AS A BAT CAN WINK ITS EYE! PUMPKIN, PEACH, AND HALF A DOZEN OTHERS!"
Somehow Jackie sensed he had the upper hand. He relaxed a bit, and, leaning against the pirate's thumb, he said, "I don't believe you. You're a pretty good pirate. But a baker? Never!"
Furious, Very Long tightened his hand about Jackie and roared again. jackie wondered if he had gone too far with the big felloe.
He dropped Jackie down on the deck, turned, and dashed back to the volcano at the centre of the island, opened a door in the crater, and proceeded to bake a great stack of steaming pies. Presently, he came back and placed the pies down on the deck next to Jackie and Puff. "EAT!" he commanded.
And eat they did, all night long and well into the following day. Finally, when the last pie pan had been scraped clean, Puff looked up and said, "I adore eating my words, but your pies are ever so much better."
"Best pies I ever tasted in my whole mouth," agreed Jackie. Very Long looked down at them and giggled with delight. "Really? I have never been so happy!" And then he began to cry great tears of joy, which poured down on Jackie and Puff like rain. Puff took out his umbrella.
"Oh, if only I could be a friendly giant baker instead of an evil giant pirate. But no! My father was an evil giant pirate. All my family have been evil giant pirates! for generations!"
"But you can always change," said Jackie. "Everyone can change. Can't they, Puff?"
"So I'm given to understand," said Puff, winking at Jackie.
Jackie looked up at Very Long again. "Just make up your mind and do it! And you're so big you've just got to have lots of mind to make up~"

On their way.The next day, Very Long John, dressed in his baker's suit, gently placed the boast into the water and, with a hearty breath from his great lungs, sent it sailing towards Honah Lee once more. He waved farwell to his friends and cried out joyfully, "I am a new man! No! I am an old man with a new heart! Thank you both! and Godspeed."
Soon Very Long and his island were jsut a speck on the horizon to Jackie and Puff. they could hear him shouting a promise in the distance: "I'll send you a fruitcake next christmas."

The Sea Of the Starless Skies

The next few days passed blissfully, all blue skies and whitecapped waves, and the nights dazzles with starlight. But the , dark grey clouds appeared on the horizon and soon filled the sky with thier cold and melancholy gloom. Puff and Jackie had to huddle together for warmth.
"Where are we now, Puff?"
the dragon was grim. "We've reached the Sea of the Starless Skies, Jackie."
The clouds formed themselves into mean and ugly faces. their cheeks puffed out, and blew angry winds. Jackie felt a dark unfriendliness all about him. He turned to Puff. "I hate this old Sea of the Starless Skies," he said.
"It's not the sea's fault," said Puff. "It's the clouds. the clouds are jealous of the stars. You see, the stars can fly a thousand, thousand times higer than those clouds can even imagine. and so , like all small spirited, stupid things, they believe that they can deny beauty by hiding it."
"Puff! Look!" Jackie pointed up to the sky. A flickering glow was tumbling down through the cloud heads. it was a falling star, no bigger than a firefly. It landed with a gentle poof! on the deck. Jackie looked down at it. "Aw, the poor little thing."
The great cloud heads began to laugh.
"Listen to them," said Puff. "They're always happy when a star dies."
"But she's not dead, Puff. Listen!"
the tiny star made tiny, desperate sounds.
Jackie turned to Puff. "She wants to talk, but can't. gee, i know just how she feels. We've got to save her!"
"To do that, we'd have to hang her back onto her orbit, jackie. How would we get up there?"
"Well, we'll just make the boat fly! use your magic, Puff. Paint some wings!"
"Why don't i paint some wings?" said puff, as if he'd just thought of it. He reached into his satchel and brought out a paintbrush. he jumped off the boat and proceeded to paint two giant butterfly wings on thin air! Attaching them to the boat, he hopped back aboard and commanded the craft to fly.
The great wings began to flap gracefully, and the boat moved forward. it rose a few feet above the water, then came back down with a clumsy splat!
"Too heavy!" shouted Puff. "We shall have to unload some ballast. Me!" he dived into the water. "Take her up, Jackie!"
"Alone? i don't know how! I'm afraid!"
"Jackie! Believe in yourself. Have the courage to try. That's the second step to not being afraid. you may fail, but at least you'll have made the effort."
Jackie looked at the star on the deck, growing weaker and dimmer. He knew what he had to do. "I'll try, Puff," he said.<
the great wings began to flap. the boat lifted up and suddenly soared heavenward. With Jackie at the helm, the boat with butterfly wings made its way up through the cloud heads, who, furious now, blew angry winds and caused it to twist and toss dangerously.
Amongst the stars.But Jackie grasped the guitar rudder firmly, and suddenly the boat burst through the ceiling of clouds into a magnificent starry sky of diamonds twinkling in the darkness.
"We did it!" jackie cried. Then he reached down, picked up the tiny star, and tossed her away into her distant orbit.
As she sailed off, her light glowed more brightly. Jackie heard a small voice calling back, "Thank you-ooo..."
And she was one of the millions again.

Honah Lee

The next day, back on the high seas, Puff presented jackie with a gold medal on a purple ribbon. "For bravery above and beyond the call of dragons," he said quite officially.
"I was brave?" asked Jackie. "I took another step?"
Puff was about to answer, when suddenly the boat hit solid land with a sickening crunch, sending them both sprawling. they had been so busy woth the medal ceremony that they had failed to notice a rock-strewn island looming up ahead of them.
"LAND HO!" shouted Jackie as he picked himself up.
"So it would seem," agreed Puff, looking about. "But... but... where are we?"
Oh, it was a grim and dreary sight: a dank grey place, seen through a sheet of icy rain, all wet and clammy and most unpleasant.
Puff gasped. "It can't be!"
"You recognize this place, Puff?"
The dragon nodded yes, then cried "It's... it's... Honah Lee!"
A chill went though Jackie. "Honah Lee? But what happened to it?"
"Something terrible, Jackie, while I was gone."
Jackie pointed to the beach. "Come on, let's take a look around."
Puff pulled back. "No, I'm afraid!" And he flopped down like a big, frighted puppy dog.
Jackie was astounded. "You, Puff? Afraid?"
"Uh-huh, " nodded Puff.
"Just like I was before you came?"
"Well, it's my turn to help now. Come on!" He held out his hand. Puff took it tentatively, and the two of them made their way up onto the rocky beach.
Presently they came upon a group of signs poking up from behind a large, ugly boulder. Puff read them aloud:


Some more signs popped up, and Jackie read them:

"what on earth is a living sneeze?" asked Puff.
As if to answer him, a strange craeture leaped out from behind the rock. It was mostly an anormous red nose, with a small mouth under it, and little, bleaary eyes above.
"KAAAA-CHOOO!" it explained.
Jackie ran up toit. "Are you a living sneeze, sir?" he asked politely.
"What do i look like, a hiccup?" said the sneeze nastily. "KA-CHOOOO!" it added.
then several dozen other sneezes poked their noses over the rocks. "KA-CHOO! KA-CHOO! KA-CHOO! KA-CHOO!" they agreed.
Jackie turned to puff. "Don't worry, Puff! I'll take care of this." And he walked up to the largest of the sneezes.
Honah Lee?"Do you realize you are trespassing?" he asked.
"So what?! KA-CHOO!" sneered the sneeze.
"I'm sure Puff wouldn't mind," said Jackie. "He shares everything. But why do you ruin things?"
"because we're uncomfortable! KA-CHOOOOO!" he explained.
And the other sneeze all nodded their noses. "Unnnnn-comfortable! KA-CHOO! KA-CHOO! KA-CHOO!" they repeated.
"But why are you uncomfortable?" asked Jackie.
"Wouldn't you be uncomfortable," said the large sneeze, "If you were nothing but a nose, all stopped up and red and sore? KA-CHOO!" he argued.
Jackie understood his argument. He dashed back to his friend. "Puff! they are what they are because they feel so awful! Use your magic to make them better!"
Puff sighed. "Honah Lee is my magic. And if it is spoiled, so are my magic powers."
Jackie had never seen his friend so unhappy. At thatt moment, all the sneezes exploded into a symphony of "KA-CHOOS," and Puff looked more distressed than ever. he had never intended to bring Jackie into a situation such as this.
"Jackie, you must go home. you've completed your quest and don't seem frightened anymore."
"I wouldn't leave you, Puff."
Puff realized that in order to make Jackie leave he would have to pretend to be angry. He frowned and snapped, "I have all I can do to put up with the sneezes. You'd be just a bother to me. I want you to take the boat and go!"
Jackie felt crushed. Still, an order was an order. "Yessir, if you say so, Puff."
All alone.He turned and walked off. In a few moments he was back in the boat, sailing away from the terible sneezy place Honah Lee had become.
Sadly, Puff watched Jackie go. then he turned and walked along the barren beach to his cave. he had never felt so alone in his life.
The sneezes all slid down behind their slimy rocks and went to sleep. the cold rain continued to fall.

A dragon lives forever
But not so little boys,
Painted wings and giant rings
Make way for other toys.
One grey night it happened,
Jackie Paper came no more
And Puff that mighty dragon,
He ceased his fearless roar

His head was bent in sorrow,
Green scales fell like rain,
Puff no longer went to play
Along the cherry lane.
Without his life-long friend,
Puff could not be brave
So Puff that mighty dragon,
Sadly slipped into his cave.

Puff lost track of the many days and nights he spent in that cave. He thought perhaps he would never come out again. Never! As a matter of fact, he was thinking this thought for the thousandth time when he heard a voice, far off in the distance.
"Puff! Puff! It's me! I'm back!"
the dragon lifted his great head and poked it out of the cave. "Could it be Jackie?" he wondered.
it certainly was! his little friend came sliding up tot he cave as if he was a baseball player and Puff were home plate!
"What are you doing here?" cried Puff happily.
"Aw, Puff, you didn't think I'd leave you for good, did you? I went to get help. We'll fix those sneezes, Puff. Look who I brought!"
Puff looked up. Way up. towering over the island was Very Long John, dressed in his chef's suit. He carried a big pot of soup in one hand and a gigantic spoon in the other.
Jackie cried out, "Very Long, do your stuff!"
All this commotion awakened the sneezes. they poked their noses out from behind the rocks and watched as very Long dipped the spoon into the pot and began to sprinkle its contents down onto them.
"Chicken soup?" said Puff, amazed.
"Best cure in the whole world for sneezes," said Jackie.
By now the chicken soup was pouring down al over the place, drenching the sneezes. At first they seemed frightened. But in a few seconds their mouths turned upwards in grins, and they began to chortle with delight.
"It's like rain!"
"But beautiful!"
"And all nummy, nummy, nummy!"
Soon, a large lake of soup had formed. the sneezes jumped in, floated on their backs, splashed, and dunked each other playfully. Indeed, this was the most glorious moment of their sad, sniffling lives.
Before long, all their noses had becomed normal-sized, the soreness was gone, and the word "KA-CHOO!" was dropped from their vocabulary.
Jackie walked up to them, put his fingers in his mouth, and gave them a sharp whistle to get their attention. "Okay , neighbours," he shouted, "now that you are all cured, let's fix up Honah Lee the way it used to be!" And because sometimes a song is more inspiring then mere words, he began to sing, "Weave, weave, weave me the sunshine out of the falling rain. Weave me the hope of a new tomorrow, and fill my cup again!"
Back to normal.Soon everyone began to sing. And the glorious song kept tempo with their work. And as they all worked and sang together, the colour and beauty came back to Honah Lee. It was alive again, just as it had been before.
And finally, wonder of wonders, the little star, whom Jackie had saved, came soaring out of the skies like a fiary comet, the magic of her cosmic tail mingling with the falling rain and actually weaving it into sunshine.
jackie closed his eyes for a second, and when he opened them again, he was back in his room at home.

Home at Last

Jackie Paper looked about, mystified. Puff was there. And the real boy, Jackie Draper, still sat silently on his chair. the window shade was up, and the beautiful crayon sea was gone.
"Puff, why are we back in my room?"
"Because it is time for you to return. And time is stronger than magic."
"But Puff..."
"Puff explained. "As I promised, you helped yourself. And in helping yourself, Jackie, you helped me. And now it is time to be truely brave. to face growing up. to be jackie Draper again. And, eventually, to go beyond childish fancies, such as dragons, and not need them anymore." His eyes twinkled for just an instant. "Unless absolutley necessary," he added.
"No, Puff..."
"Come along, now," said Puff, as he reached toward Jackie paper and plucked the "living-thing" free. the boy became a flat cutout crayon drawing once more, and fluttered to teh floor.
The dragon led the "living-thing" back to jackie Draper and tucked it carefully back into the boy's left ear.
"It's all up to you, dear friend," he whispered. "Good-bye, Jackie."
He walked briskly to the window. He turned and looked back at jackie with wonderment.
"Chicken soup?" he chuckled, as if he still couldn't believe it. Then he climbed out of the window and was gone.
The little boy, Jackie Draper, who had sat silently all these years, suddenly opened his eyes. there was so much feeling inside him now, so muched he needed to say. words seemed to dance up from his heart, then got lost on his tongue.
Making a great effort, he managed to get up from his chair. he started across the room - slowley at first, then more rapidly. He stumbled to the window and clung tot eh sill. Puff was going! Would he never see his best friend again? he had to speak. He had to!
He opened his mouth...
And suddenly the words came - part crying, part pleading, part saying farewell:
the door to the room flew open, and Jackie's parents rushedin, amazed at what they were seeing and hearing.
Back home."JACKIE! JACKIE!" they both cried.
Jackie turned to them. And more words came:
"Mum? Dad?"
"He's talking!" said Mr. Draper.
"Oh, my son!" said Mrs. Draper.
laughing and weeping, both ran to him and held him close to thier hearts. It was a magic moment, too precious ever to forget.
For a dragon had helped make a miracle, and Jackie Draper was home at last. 

 Group : - Delta El Gasheilla

             - Nur Eka Hidayati